Newsletter 3/2020 from Cotance, The European Leather Association
Only real leather is real sustainability
Most consumers are full of praise for leather, its performance, its versatility and the sensations it gives. However, a recent survey commissioned by UNIC Concerie Italiane, revealed the existence, in a number of interviewees, of a certain scepticism about the sustainability of leather and the tanning process through which it is obtained. Many even wrongly believe that animals are bred and then slaughtered specifically to obtain leather or even tortured to improve the quality of leather.
In order to overturn these false assumptions and misleading information, the Italian tanners' association (UNIC) has decided to carry out a communication campaign that focuses on the real sustainability of leather, entitled, “Real leather is real sustainability”.
The purpose is to show consumers that only real leather is synonymous with naturalness, circularity, durability and creativity. Leather is in fact, a by-product of the food industry, otherwise destined to be disposed of with a high impact on the environment. Instead, the tanning industry recovers it, ennobles it and transforms it into a material with a very high added value and multiple uses; fashion (leather goods, footwear, clothing), automotive, furniture and design.
Think about it. Real leather is #realsustainability
Read more linguistic versions and former Newsletter.